Bucharest Beltway Update: July 25, 2010

Here are some pics depicting the construction works on northern part of Bucharest beltway.
Chitila overpass.CNADNR has announced today that due to the works on this overpass the traffic in both ways between DN7 and A1 motorway will be restricted for 1 month starting August the 2nd.

Click on image to see it in original size

At the Otopeni overpass works are advancing pretty fast mainly on the bridge decks.


This one is the bridge wich will overpass the beltway near Tunari. They started theese days to mount the concrete beams. However the bridge still has no ramps and nobody seems to rush building them.

And Stefanesti overpass where the main activity is mounting the beams and concreting the access ramps.



  1. La Bucuresti cu Mogosoaia adica la sos.Odaii cu sos.Bucuresti Tirgoviste trebuiau sa termine podul din 15 noembrie 2009.Nici macar nu s-au apucat.In schimb acum 2 ani in plina campanie electorala au venit pe acolo Tariceanu,Orban si Pricop primarul de Mogosoaia(toti din acelasi partid).Au facut o mica deschidere de santier si cum au venit asa au plecat,si pauza.....s-au terminat fondurile.'Taman aici intr-un nod esential traficului,soseaua care tranziteaza Mogosoaia are doar o banda pe sens dar cui ii pasa.....DN1 si sos.Chitla care sunt paralele au 2-3 benzi pe sens.Iar latime de extindere a carosabilului e destula si fara expropieri ,dar e nevoie de rigole unde cresc balariile.Ba unde mai pui ca nici nu sunt trotoare pietonale.Zona aceea e intrare si iesire de Bucuresti,capitala Zambiei,nu ? Cred ca e mai bine si la Tirana !Nu zic decit un lucru:sa le dea Dumnezeu la toti decit ce merita ! si asta cit mai repede.....Poate in 2300 va fii si centura gata,dar nu pentru masini,pentru biciclete....


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